Thursday, May 31, 2007

Cams Ninth Uni Post

Hey, I'm back again. I have been behind so i decided to do my word task and excel task back to back, then do all the typing. I regret this. Fingers are quite sore. Deadline is looming closer and closer, and the Excel task I did took me back to my Maths and Graphics days. Frankly i despise both of those subjects, so that will give you a rough idea of how much I enjoyed these tasks lol. Excuse my Msn Language, but i figure if I'm going to use it in any subject this is by far the most fitting.

Now, the task. Well I'm not going to lie to you, i didn't find it difficult but staring at an excel screen was something i thought I had avoided forever. Certain teachers have left me with certain bad memories lol. I found the first bit fine, but the formulas annoyed me a little, as for some reason i always make one typo and have to redo pretty much every step. It becomes pretty wearing. As I have used to program before, i found little to no difficulty finishing the rest, but my typo's annoyed me pretty horrifically.

It was probably a good thing i went through and did this excercise as it sparked my memory (albeit bad ones). Im going to have to use this program in the future, one again probably begging and clawing my way into a job, and when i get to that stage I guess it will be useful. But until then? Nah. lol.

Thanks, have a good one.


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